Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What You MUST Ask a Photographer Before a Shoot

A wonderful model and friend called me the other day and I could hear something a little ‘off' in her voice. It's funny, I am in such deep rapport with so many of our models that I can instantly pickup the slightest change in their voice or writing style in their email. My ‘photographer hat' and my ‘concerned friend hat' at times can look like the same thing sitting on my head. I can't help it - that's just who I am.

This girl is just starting out in modeling and up until then had only worked with us. A big opportunity fell in her lap after she posted her portfolio and she wanted to take the job; but she was so nervous, I could tell. "Damien, I don't know this guy (Photographer)! All I know is that he sounds nice in his emails and that I am supposed to show up at his studio at 4pm."

There are few better feelings than going to work doing something you love and know you are fully prepared and empowered to go all the way. It's intoxicating!

But the human mind is programmed to resist and struggle against uncertainty and insecurity; both states-of-mind I guarantee will show up in your photos. Your face will look gaunt and tight, your eyes will radiate "I am about to #$#! my pants here!"

You want hot photos? Do you want people to look at your portfolio and say "Wow! These are incredible!"? Then you gotta relax and let your energy flow during a photo shoot. I know, what sounds easy and what actually IS easy can be complete opposites. In order to relax with a photographer, you have to absolutely feel 100% safe and respected at all times.

I can offer some advice that will help you work with new photographers - feeling informed, prepared and empowered. This is the advice I gave to my friend and everything worked out great for her. Are you ready?

Be Prepared: What to Ask a Photographer Before You EVER Take the Gig!

(Note: I wouldn't suggest that you just run through this list ‘as is' with whoever wants to photograph you. It can seem a bit intense and might scare them off. Just weave these questions into friendly conversation over the phone or email and you'll be just fine!)
  1. What ‘specific' types of modeling are you expected to do? (Types of clothing, Lingerie, Partial Nude, Full Nude etc.)
  2. How long is the shoot expected to last?
  3. Exactly how much are you being paid for your services? (Ask for specifics! Example if you are working from 3pm-7pm what is the exact dollar amount you will be leaving with?)
  4. Is a make-up artist provided?
  5. Can the photographer provide references?
  6. Where is the photo shoot will taking place? Is it a dedicated studio or is it a home studio?
  7. What is the surrounding environment? (Is it a quiet suburb or will you get mugged getting out of your car?)
  8. Will you have easy access to a changing room and bathroom?
  9. Does the photographer work with an assistant? (Is the assistant male or female? What job function will the assistant be performing?)
  10. Will other people be present during the shoot? (If so, who are they?)
  11. Is it ok for you to bring an escort?
  12. Are you are shooting on location or plan to travel from one location to the next? (If so how will this be accomplished? Will there be a portable changing room or some kind for wardrobe change area while on location?)
  13. Ask for a copy of their model release before you agree to the photo shoot. Read this contract carefully and ask questions about anything you don't understand. (Never sign anything you are not comfortable with.)
  14. How will the photographer use the photos taken of you?
  15. How many photographs can you expect to receive from the shoot and when?
  16. Does the photographer provide prints?